The fauji wife is a unique breed. Her association with the military and its lifestyle engenders toughness and teaches her skills that others may not be called upon to use. If, like me, you’re a fauji wife or know someone who is, you will identify with some of these:
1. She knows how to pack –

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That posting signal will come. She knows that. In a few months or a few years; she is ready to roll. Out come the boxes, her unique lists and its packing time again!
2. She is jugaadu –

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You can never tell that the nice settee is actually a rug thrown over metal trunks, or that the rather smart looking bed is actually a mattress kept on wooden boxes shoved together.
3. She has cracked the code on long distance relationships –

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He goes off to TD (temporary duty DUH!) non family stations or other assignments and she keeps it all together.
4. She can manage to dish up a meal for 12 with no notice –

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Ever heard of bouncing? No? Ask a fauji biwi. When these guys show up, they have to be fed.
5. And she can do amazing things with Maggi –

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And by Maggi I mean karela. For when ration gives you kilos of bitter gourd how on earth do you utilize that! A fauji wife will figure something out.
6. She throws the best parties –

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She is well turned out, knows how to utilize resources, and is one of the most hospitable people you know!
7. She is used to wildlife –

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Snake in the bathroom? Ho Hum! Nilgai in the garden? She is only hoping that her bhindi garden is safe.
8. She will follow him to the ends of the earth –

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She adores her man, his dedication to duty, his integrity, his amazing fortitude and his devotion to his family. So if he is a soldier, she is a tigress protecting her soldier.
9. You can look at her house and know exactly where all she has lived –

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Fauji houses are almost always ramshackle. It takes a fauji wife to hide the cracks, the peeling paint and the seepage. Mostly with items collected from all over the country!
10. She never says Goodbye –

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We faujis always run into each other again at some or other point. So rather than goodbye, we always say “until we meet again”.
Author: Reena Daruwala