The streets of India tell a story of its own. Whether it is water logging in monsoons, pot holes or poor children begging, there are many things that totally annoy us and make us feel sad. But think about it, have you in one way or the other not contributed to these problems? Or can you really not do anything to improve the situation? Here is something to think about today.

1. Why we need these?

unnecessary Expenses

unnecessary Expenses

Because this is a fact that millions of amount is spent by the government to install a statue on the street rather than spending it on public welfare.


2. Below poverty line


life on streets

This is the fact that ever after 67 years of independence, thousands and lakh of people are living their life like this.


3. Public toilets

Bad habits in public

Bad habits in public

A situation when every person consider streets as the permanent place to pee in.


4. Big cars but no civic sense

Spitting on road

Spitting on road

When the people passing by in car love to keep their car clean, but spit on the roads.


5. The homeless puppies

Waiting for Shelter

Waiting for Shelter

Because there are many homeless dogs and cats waiting for someone to adopt them and give them a shelter.


6. The wage war

difficult life

difficult life

And we are not satisfied with our salary but these people are living like this.


7. And how does it all start?

Garbage Nuisance

Garbage Nuisance

Every person loves to litter garbage and still blame each other for this nuisance.


8. Prostitution

prostitution in public

prostitution in public

If you are visiting any place at night, you can see prostitution taking place openly under the bridges and sky walks.


9. And the horrible potholes

Potholes on road

Potholes on road

And the potholes on the road clearly indicate the level of corruption in road development.


10. Voice of the people



When people have to get on streets to protest against something and want their voices to be heard.

Author: Rima Chowdhury

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