Our human body is indeed a complex arrangement of different organ systems. However, it is interesting to know that we do not need some of them to live. Though the living will be affected, but we can still manage to live without some organs. It is surprising to know that despite the fact that they have important functions in the human body, our body can manage without them.
Normally, the human body has a pair of kidneys, which filtrates blood and also helps in the absorption of important minerals. But we do not need both the kidneys to live. It is interesting to note that while some people get one kidney surgically removed due to some disease, some people are actually born with just one kidney.
Spleen acts as a reservoir for monocytes, which are the immune cells. However, we can do without this body organ as well. But they will be more susceptible to infections.
Colon, also called the large intestine is largely responsible for moving the waste material to the rectum. However, some or all parts of the large intestine are usually removed if the person is diagnosed with intestinal cancer. An artificial pouch is usually replaced with the missing colon to work out its function.
The appendix is one of the vestigial organs of our body which has no role to perform. However, if it ruptures or gets infected, it can be surgically removed as well.
Our body is normally equipped with two lungs which help in the absorption of oxygen in the blood. But, when one lung is surgically removed, the other one expands to take some of the work of the missing lung. This is how the body can manage with the missing lung as well! I'm sure you didn't know this one!
Despite the fact that it is one of the most important parts of the human body which plays an important role in providing the nourishment to the body, yet our body can live without a stomach.
Moreover, we can also live without our reproductive parts. Though they secrete some important hormones that control our behaviour and mood, but still we can manage to live without them.
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