Leaves over beans. This is one argument that all coffee lovers conveniently want to ignore and green tea loyalists vote for. So, when the world’s two favourite beverages come for a face off, it becomes anybody’s call who wins the race.

The health factor

I just can't choose

I just can’t choose

Green tea is the hot favourite and not for its taste but its promise to keep you slim. On the other side the aroma of coffee is just good enough to help you reach for that cup and yes it’s the only thing that can wake you up from your slumber.


The caffeine shot

I wish I could have both

I wish I could have both

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, so the toxins are really flushed out. But when you find yourself yawning in between the day, the coffee will come to your rescue.


Shiny teeth or healthy heart

Can you pick one?

Can you pick one?

A cup of green tea everyday will help keep your teeth cavity free and shining. On the other hand, coffee is good for your liver as well as your heart, all the while saving your heart from having a stroke.


The amount of caffeine 

I think that's the only option

I think that’s the only option

Your coffee has 3 times more caffeine and of course you know that. So, if you’re a person who needs something similar to an electric shock to wake you up, then coffee it is for you. But if you need a gentle nudge, then green tea is a better alternative.

So which is a better drink for you?

The argument goes on….


Author Name: Kritika Sharma

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