For those of us who don’t ‘speak’ gym, ProtineX is mostly an irrelevancy. For us, the word ‘ripped’ refers to torn papers, ‘spot’ translates as pimple and ‘pyramiding’ recalls to mind avoidable ponzi schemes. And yet, #ProtineX has been trending recently. For those not in the know, ProtineX is a well known brand of nutritional supplements that offers people concentrated protein supplements for various purposes such as muscle building, weight gain etc. and is a popular choice for the gym bodies with their shirt-button-popping pecs and display worthy biceps and triceps. The brand describes itself as a wholesome nutritional drink for adults as it provides Nourishment, Strength, Stamina & Immunity
What Twitter had to say about #ProtineX
While some had facetious comments about Viagra to offer, others were amazed and dismayed that #ProtineX was trending. Some wanted to know whether consuming ProtineX has any harmful side effects and others wanted to know about the problems protein deficiency could cause. So could you be deficient in protein? How can you overcome that deficiency?
Protein deficiency is quite widespread in India
For several reasons, it is estimated that nearly 90% of Indians consume inadequate protein. It is very common among school kids as well. One common belief is that the large proportion of vegetarians in India means that a significant proportion of the population does not get the benefit of protein found in meat, eggs and fish. However, non vegetarians are as likely to be deficient in protein said experts because of inappropriate eating habits.
Part of the problem is low income groups not having easy access to protein rich food such as daals, milk, fish and meat because the cost puts these foods out of reach. Then there are those who choose to have low calorie food for health/ weight related issues and end up having nutritionally poor food that is low not only in calories but also in protein and other essentials. There is also the fact that modern living has changed the way we eat: we eat out more, we eat more of packaged, processed food to save time and for reasons of convenience. There are fewer nourishing, home cooked meals being consumed; which adds to the protein deficiencies.
Experts say there is yet another problem for women: in traditional households women eat after the men and this could also negatively impact the quantity and quality of intake. And then women have to undergo pregnancy and childbirth that further deplete inadequate protein reserves.
So do we all need #ProtineX?
Absolutely not, say experts. In fact regular consumption of protein supplements may actually be detrimental; leading to increased creatine levels in the body which in turn lead to kidney problems and possible renal failure. It is best to consume protein via a healthy diet.
According to experts, we need 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of our body weight. Small changes in the diet could help overcome protein deficiencies. While meat and fish are admittedly difficult to add to the diet because of the very high cost, eggs are relatively cheaper and are packed with nutrients including good quality protein. It is also important to eat a variety of daals not just the expensive ones. Soya, nuts, sprouts are also good sources of protein and other nutrients.
Author: Reena Daruwalla