There Are Lot Of Things Going On With WhatsApp That You Need To Know About

Every once in a while, WhatsApp tries to come out with something new and this time too, it hasn’t disappointed us. There is a new update on Android and iOS platforms as a new font is getting developed that is designed to change the way WhatsApp messages look. Named FixedSys, yes, even Microsoft has a similar font by the same name, this font is still in the testing stage and there is no official confirmation yet regarding its release.

Currently people using version 2.16.179 of Android Beta and iOS beta can only use this.

To get started

Whenever you want to use this new font, enter backquote (`) symbol thrice before entering the text and once more after you are done.

What is the backquote symbol?

Remember, the symbol right below 'Escape' button that you see on your computer’s keyboard? That is backquote for you!

How to use it?

For ‘Hi, my name is Shikha’, you need to write- ```Hi, my name is Shikha```.

The new privacy policy

WhatsApp has made recent changes in its terms and conditions and if you have automatically checked this boxed, you are making a mistake. In a nutshell, it states that you have given approval to let Facebook access your all phone data. Do you really want that?

Is it easy to use?

So, whether it is the new font, or the privacy policy, your regular WhatsApp is going through changes and our recommendation, be alert!

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