It’s been a while since there’s been this much buzz on social media around something Apple did. For a change, it isn't a new phone and kidney selling jokes that are trending. This time around, it is Apple’s self-driving car that is trending. People had a lot to say about the car that is rumoured to be equipped with VR and, wait for it… no windows.
The development began in 2014 and now we hear that this car requires passengers to do nothing to ‘drive’ the car. This car will have no pedals, steering wheel or driver control. The car will offer an immersive experience to people via their headsets as it travels to the location. Passengers can read books, conduct virtual meetings and watch videos while on the road. The car will launch in 2025. However, none of this has been confirmed by the company yet.
The idea has been around for a long time. At the time, people envisioned playing board games while being driven around – Ah! Simple times!
People were reminded of:
The Apple mouse has to be charged like this.
This is how it is to be charged?
…The more incomprehensible and complicated they are.
Some saw a possibly sinister reason behind the self-driving VR car. What is the point of looking outside via a VR headset rather than directly through a window?
The old joke about Apple having no windows? Many made it.
It is nice and sleek and all but it does look an awful lot like a computer mouse.
It truly seems unreasonable and quite bizarre that someone thought up a window-less car
It is a pretty grim idea.
Some forms of public transport such as trams and trains may also be self-driving, but far less dystopian, points out this tweet.
The road looks like this?
The track record for self-driving cars has not been great – in one viral video a driverless Tesla car was seen to crash into a $3million private jet.
I love driving so the idea of a driverless car seems superfluous. Besides the idea of being inside a shiny black thing with no windows is supremely terrifying for me – my first reaction to Apple’s self-driving car was similar to this tweet.
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