Board Exams Postponed/Cancelled, Students Rejoice – Or Not

The pandemic lockdown has been a time of great uncertainty and anxiety for students – particularly for students of classes X and XII taking their board exams. There was the nervousness of taking exams offline after having done much of the academic year (if not the entire year) online. There was also the problem of how exams conducted late would impact their future. Plus there was the apprehension of carrying infections back home to vulnerable people. So kids had been calling for #cancelboardexams2021 for weeks. Now on 14 April, the government has announced that class X exams are cancelled and XII board exams are postponed.

Carrot and stick

Kids had been asking for offline exams to be cancelled for a long time. They warned politicians that they would soon be eligible to vote, that they would remember decisions made now.


Students pointed out the double standard of government curtailing its own working and holding meetings online while expecting students to take exams offline.


People haven’t had much faith in the authorities enforcing safety protocols in crowded places.

Recent events

We have seen images or recent election rallies with zero social distancing and few masks in sight, so students repose little faith in the authorities – with good reason.

Real apprehensions

Kids are genuinely scared at a time when the nation reports over 1.5 lakh cases a day and there are no available hospital beds and crematoriums are overflowing.


Class X has clarity – their board exams are cancelled. Class XII is sort of left in limbo – exams are postponed, but students are left waiting for the axe to fall at any time.

Students were apprehensive

Government officials hold enormous power over students and their future but rarely consult with students about their views and difficulties when making decisions that affect their lives.

Some are delighted

Obviously many CBSE class X students are delighted. They will be promoted without taking their board exam.


Most students are simply relieved that there is now an end to the uncertainty.

Some are not

Those who have worked hard all year feel that they have done so in vain. There is also the apprehension that some schools will inflate marks of their own students unfairly, leaving other schools at a disadvantage.

Class XII students

These are the ones who literally left in limbo – exams will not start in May as earlier declared. When will they start? No idea.

The hanging sword

With no clarity on dates or cancellation, class XII students are feeling unfairly dealt with.

“What about us?”

ICSE board students have been asking for cancellations as well. There is as yet clarity only on CBSE exams.

And us?

SSC or the various state boards may have different directives. Kids are confused about these as well.

More apprehensions

As of now, some students may be relieved and happy with the #BoardExamCancel situation. Others are still worried about their futures; state board students in particular.  

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