10 Things Only a Cat Lover Will Identify With

I am familiar with dog lovers and their peculiarities; being an ardent devotee of the canine species in general. Cat people tend to be rather different. Cats themselves are rather different creatures from those doggedly devoted creatures we call man’s best friend. If you're a cat lover, perhaps you will identify with these:

Cats are cute

Yes they are! Those little balls of fur inspire love and tenderness in the same way that pets of all species do...they just become a part of the family! Kittens are even cuter; almost as cute as puppies.

They are funny and goofy

Cats have really interesting personalities. They find the strangest of things interesting and they express themselves in some interesting ways.

Cats are their own person

They can be communicative. Or not. They can be responsive. Or not. They can be loving. Or not. They aren’t ridiculously loyal and devoted the way dogs are. They have dignity (is what cat lovers will tell you).

Cats are curious

And their curiosity will land them in trouble as well, but so what! Sometimes you just have to know what’s in that box!

They can be mean

See, unlike dogs they don’t just adore you and they don’t just live to please you. Cats have to do their own thing. If you fit into the scheme of things, well and good. Try not to cross that mean cat.

They’re cool

You're home? Ho hum! You're leaving? Remember to get my stuff for me. That’s the essential feline for you. None of that I'm devastated you're leaving and I will be over the moon when you get back nonsensical dog-like devotion there!

They have attitude!

Cats are smart, they know what they want. They want a belly rub when they want a belly rub; not when you want to give it to them.

Cats want their space

Literally and figuratively! They can tolerate your doting love…some of the time. This cat here doesn’t really care if the dog is sleeping or its really his space she is trying to dislodge him from.

They will make you fall in love!

Who can resist that face! It’s like that old CCR song I've put a spell on you / because you're mine. They will rule your life if they can, they will make you do what they want as far as possible. See you're lucky to have them in your life; not the other way around.

Cat lovers be like this…

…And cats be like this: “Don’t be so pathetic human!”

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