We all know him as The Father Of The Nation who played a significant role in the freedom struggle. With the help of his two weapons, truth and non-violence, he became an esteemed example for the whole world. Here are some lesser known and surprising things you should know about him
- Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five consecutive times
The committee regrets that they will never be able to confer the award to him as the award is never given posthumously. It would have been a true honour for the whole country.
- An 8 KM long funeral procession
When Gandhiji died, it was if the whole nation came together to mourn on his funeral. We still remember his visions and objectives to free our country from the British rule.
3. He was able to walk 18 kilometers daily
This distance multiplied by the number of days he did it is enough to walk around the whole world twice. It is said that other people had to run in order to keep up with him.
- He was not present during Nehru’s Tryst of Destiny speech
He was not able to join our first Prime Minister when he gave his first speech which will remain immortal. What a spectacle it would have been for the whole country!
- He was thinking about dissolving Congress

wanted to dissolve the Congress
It is said that he thought of doing so a day before he was shot by Nathuram Godse.
Author’s Name – Paurush Chaudhary