A chilled pint of beer! The Aussies seem to choose beer over water, Americans cannot watch any ballgame without a six-pack of their favourite pale ale, and if an Indian lady is seen partaking then it could become cause for national scandal. If you put these things aside though, there are a lot of other interesting facts about beer which may interest you, from the perspective of gaining knowledge.
1. Most popular –
After water and tea, beer is the most widely consumed beverage in the world; and the most popular alcoholic beverage.
2. World’s oldest beverage –
According to some estimates, a form of beer existed in Neolithic times; about the time when cereal was first farmed. Here are ancient Egyptians making beer.
3. By 3000 BC it was widespread –
Celtic and Germanic tribes were already quaffing it down in copious quantities. Some archaeologists actually believe that beer was instrumental in the formation of civilizations.
4. There was a beer flood –
There’s no use wishing you were there; it happened before you were born. A huge vat of beer ruptured in London in 1814 and there was about 400,000 gallons of beer flooding the streets.
5. There was a time when people drank more beer than water –
During medieval times and later colonial times, people consumed more beer than water. Apparently water was pretty awful in medieval times and during colonial times invaders’ sensitive stomachs couldn’t handle local water so they drank… you guessed it; beer! The alcohol apparently made it all safe!
6. You can make beer from spit –
Or at least the ancient Incas did and apparently the modern Peruvians still do! Spit apparently has enzymes and bacteria that promote the beer’s malting process. Alrighty then!
7. Beer is good for you! –
Beer contains no fat and actually contains some amount of protein and carbs.
Author: Reena Daruwalla