We all expect business cards to be sophisticated and smart. Isn’t that what our bosses have always pushed across the table? Well, geniuses think differently and so do their business cards. Check these out and you are sure to get a new spark before you design yours.

1. Bill Gates

Does he need any introduction? He is the founder of Microsoft and a blessing for our generation. But his business card looks like a doormat. Sorry, Mr. Gates, not so good!


2. Steve Jobs

The guy who founded one of the best smartphones and laptops. Without him, half of the teenagers won’t be able to show off their iPhones. Unlike his inventions, his business cards are not that good.


3.Walt Disney

Yeah, doesn’t look professional but come on, it’s funny!


4. Larry Page

I think Larry Page loves Google logo too much. Well, that name is enough for all of us.


5.Marc Zuckerberg

Yeah Yeah Yeah! He is so cool about his work. After all, he earned it.


6. Steve Martin

The most famous actor and producer with the most creative card. Looks like my toddler brother signed it.


7.Chuck Jones

This one wins the battle of most creative cards ever, Using his roadrunner to beep-beep is super cool.



Author: Palak Bhardwaj

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