Tel Aviv University (TAU) in Israel researchers have found that not sleeping well at night messes up your emotions and makes you more anxious during the day. So inadequate sleep at night makes us grumpy and irritated during the day? Well duh! I could have told you that without years of research! Seriously though, there are so very many reasons to prioritize sleep; to make all possible efforts to sleep enough and to get a restful, undisturbed night’s rest:
It helps consolidate learning; improves memory

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As every student swotting for exams will tell you, taking a small nap right after intense study helps retain information better. But if studying sends you to sleep; well that is unfortunate.
It increases productivity

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All that Glasbergen said above and a good night’s rest! When you are well rested you are more efficient and get more accomplished in less time. Not only are you able to work better, you are more willing as well.
It beats stress

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Stress can be a killer, say researchers. It increases risk of strokes, heart disease, depression and ulcers. Much easier to get those 7 to 8 hours of shut eye a day, wouldn’t you say? Get enough sleep and you won’t need that poster on your wall.
Lowers injury risk

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Researchers found that you we more alert, make better decisions and think much more clearly after a good night’s rest so we are less likely to make mistakes, be clumsy or sustain injuries.
Lowers likelihood of accidents

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Researchers also tell us (those guys again… apparently they know everything) we are far more likely to be in an accident is we are drowsy and sleep deprived.
Helps in maintaining healthy weight

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If you don’t sleep enough, you will have less energy for that workout and the more hours you’re awake, the more (probably unhealthy) snacks you’re likely to consume; ergo weight gain