The internet is a never ending source for pretty much everything ranging from education to entertainment. But the internet also houses websites that are useful, weird, and just simply funny. So here’s a list of 7 unique websites that you never knew existed.
Pompom – The Online Kabadiwala

An easy way to get rid of waste
If you are fed up with all that ‘kabadh’ (waste) lying around your house, then worry no more as, with, you can get rid of all those old newspapers, bottles or cardboard with just one click.
10 Minute Mail – Very like Mission Impossible

The self destructing e-mail
A website that allows you to create a temporary e-mail address and then self destruct it in 10 minutes. Isn’t that cool? Of course you cannot use this email ID ever again.
Fake Name Generator – For pranksters and the approaching April Fool’s Day

Time for a new identity
Yes, that’s right! A website that provides you with a whole new (though fake) identity. So get ready to fool your friends. This is a good site for playing pranks.
Account Killer – For the joy of actually deleting a social account

Kill them all!
If you have ever tried deleting (not disabling) an account, then you would know what a pain in the neck it is. But with the help of, you can easily and permanently delete any account you may have on the internet.
Stolen Camera Finder – Exactly as the name suggests

Camera searching made easy
Haven’t you ever wished there was a way you could track and locate your stolen or lost digital camera, just like cell phones? If yes, then it’s time to head over to
All about Rajini – website only runs when Internet is switched OFF

Unleash the Rajini power
You would be amazed to know that this website on superstar Rajinikanth works without internet. Yeah! Believe it or not, it actually runs on Rajini power.
Nick Reboot – For the child in you

The good old days are back
A website for every cartoon lover who thought the 90’s cartoon shows were over. At nick reboot, you can relish and enjoy some of your favorite childhood cartoon shows.
Author’s Name – Tushar Nayyar