Are you confident, honest, trustworthy, intelligent? There is a lot that your body language communicates about you, without you saying a word. Body language also says a lot about what you feel about the person in front of you, your comfort level in a given situation, your stress levels and so on. Here are some body language hacks you can use:

Get a grip, shake hands not gloves

Shaking hands is not the brush of the fingertips or something that feels like last night’s limp lettuce. Align the palms, grasp properly and make it a firm handshake… like you mean it! Oh! And if you’re prone to sweaty palms, use a wipe just before won’t you?

Look at me, I’m right here

Making proper eye contact communicates forthrightness, honesty and an interest in the other person. Not making eye contact makes you appear evasive, shifty and untrustworthy. The opposite person cannot be sure that they are not being lied to. Evading eye contact could also make the other person feel as though you don’t like them.

Relax but don’t slouch

Relaxed, uncrossed limbs convey a sense of being comfortable in your skin, whereas a rigid poster could convey anxiety and stress. However, it is also important to maintain a good posture because otherwise, you run the risk of appearing uncaring and casual.

Your eyes speak, so when you smile do it with your eyes as well

Unless your smile is meant to be a mere formality, smile properly with your whole face and not just your lips. A smile that doesn’t involve the eyes comes across as superficial, insincere and perfunctory. A proper smile also indicates openness and self-confidence.

Don’t fidget

Firstly you’re not 7 years old. Secondly, you don’t want to give the impression that you’re under confident and have no idea what to do with your hands.

In your face and in your space, is not nice

You indicate an interest in the other person and what they have to say when you lean in closer. But ensure that you don’t invade their personal space and make them feel uncomfortable. If they appear to be leaning away from you, that’s a hint you should never ignore.

Pay attention

Don’t let your eyes wander away and don’t permit your eyes to assume that faraway expression. If you’re having a conversation, be courteous enough to pay attention.

Really, really, listen

It appears rude to the other person that you seem to have tuned out mentally and don’t seem to care about what is being said. So listen to the other person with the help of small nonverbal cues that indicate agreement or understanding.