Around 452 years ago, the world of literature was gifted with the greatest storyteller of all time – William Shakespeare, the man who redefined the world with his amazing and incredible stories. From Hamlet to Macbeth and from Julius Caesar to Romeo And Juliet, his plays have been adapted countless times in the form of movies and high school productions. We bring you some amazing facts about William Shakespeare that probably you didn’t know about.

Shakespeare’s parents were illiterate, as were his children

Ironically, it is believed that Shakespeare’s parents were illiterate, as they never learned to read or write. In the same way, Shakespeare’s wife and his two children were illiterate as well. Shakespeare, however, was literate, as he went to the local Stratford’s School and learned how to read and write.

Shakespeare popularised hundreds of terms used today

Many wouldn’t know this, but hundreds of words or terms that we use today were first mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays. Some of these words are “fashionable” from Troilus and Cressida, “eyeball” from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and “in a pickle” from The Tempest. It’s also believed that he invented many names as well, such as Olivia, Miranda and Jessica.

No one spelt Shakespeare’s name right, not even he himself

Sources have shown that, during Shakespeare’s lifetime, many spelt his name incorrectly. From “Shappere” to Shaxberd”, people spelt his name in 80 different variations. Not just that, he himself wrote his name as “Willm Shakp” and “Willm Shakspere”.

No one knows what Shakespeare did from 1585 to 1592

To the dismay of many researchers and biographers, no one knows what William Shakespeare did between 1585 and 1592. Around 1585, when this twin daughter’s baptism was recorded, it is still unknown, as to what was he doing for seven whole years! It was only in the year 1592 when he resurfaced in history books.


Author’s Name – Tushar Nayyar