Memes about some ‘Pushpa’ along with the glowering face of actor Allu Arjun keep coming up on my social media timeline. The consistency with which these meme posts appear has been puzzling. This probably has to do with the commercial success of the film – Telugu action-drama Pushpa: The Rise – Part 01 – which has done excellent business in Hindi as well. Just reading the film synopsis on Wikipedia exhausted me – it is that much of a masala film – however, people seemed to really like it and the music. The memes are proof.
The movie released in theatres in December while in January this year, it started streaming on Amazon Prime in Telugu as well as Hindi.
The film’s lead has caught the imagination of the nation's film viewing public – even those who are otherwise unfamiliar with south cinema.
The music, the dance moves, and other scenes of the film seem to have really caught the fancy of people – including international sports players.
The song and the moves – both have become phenomenally popular.
The songs from the film have become very popular – especially this song, Srivalli.
A lot of top players have commented or posted other content relating to the film on social media.
This characteristic sideways move seems to have really caught on – regardless of the viewer’s age.
The film is the first part of a story about the red sandalwood smuggling syndicate, Pushpa Raj’s life of crime, his love and other woes.
This bit featuring a flight attendant attempting the moves – and losing her shoe in the bargain – also went viral.
The police and other agencies, brands and more --- everyone is cashing in on the Pushpa meme to send out their message.
They used the movie meme to send out a PSA.
This tabla player is so enjoying playing along – it is hard not to be delighted!
Oo Antava Oo Oo Antava is another song that has become hugely popular. With that addictive beat, that is hardly surprising.
Sami Sami is another song that made a big impact. Now people are waiting for Pushpa 2: The Rule which is due to start production this April.
We keep seeing short reels, memes and videos featuring a scene, a song or something else from Pushpa. This is a trend that doesn’t seem likely to die down anytime soon.
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