With the unseasonably cold air wafting in through the open window these days, the very idea of a cold shower is a highly unappealing one. How can something, the very thought of which makes your teeth chatter, be good for you? Other than for the metaphorical dousing of libidinous urges that is. Who in their right mind would willingly subject themselves to a blast of seemingly subzero devil water? Apparently cold showers are good for us; for several reasons:
Good for the skin and hair

Anything that feels that awful must be good for you, right? Well that and the fact that experts say that hot water tends to open up the pores and dry out the skin and hair whereas cold water does the opposite. It helps tighten pores, adds shine to the hair and could even prevent pesky pimples.
Help combat cold

It may sound paradoxical, but lots of cold showerers swear by this: having a cold shower in winter helps the body feel warmer for the rest of the day. Never tried it; merely heard it said. Brave enough to try it? Go for it.
Improves alertness

This may seem a wee bit obvious but let’s talk about it anyway: Having an icy cold shower in the morning… that’ll wake anyone up! Apparently cold showers can also help enhance the mood and keep depression at bay.
Helps with weight loss

Having a cold shower triggers the activation of stored fat in the body. The shock of cold water on the skin makes the body generate heat to try and keep warm and could actually help those trying to lose weight.
Improves circulation

The feel of cold water on the skin can improve blood circulation. This not only helps to keep one feeling warmer, it is also thought to help speed up muscle recovery and could also improve immunity or the body’s defence systems.
Polar Bear Plunges are a thing!

In Arctic regions, this is quite a thing: there are Polar Bear Clubs and other groups that involve people taking ritual plunges into icy cold water pools to boost health, virility, stamina and so on. Areas in Russia and Scandinavia have a long and time honoured tradition of coming out of a sauna and then plunging into icy cold pools. Very invigorating! (If you don’t pass out or drown or have a stroke that is).