There is no doubt that being a woman who wants it all – home, family life and a fulfilling career – has to be something akin to wanting to be superwoman. Sure women have come a long way but the fact is that the modern woman plays many roles, has many avatars and needs to use her multiple talents to be the every-woman that she is today.
The daughter – the foundation

This stage of her life will determine her understanding of herself, her identity, her sense of self worth and more. This is when her parents can give her the invaluable gift of an unshakable belief that she is second to no one (especially not her brother); a complete and wonderful human unconditionally loved for exactly what she is. This is also the time when she will form lifelong perceptions of how a husband treats his wife and vice versa.
The student – the learning

Probably the most important and defining stage of a woman’s life; which will determine much of her future. The more she educates herself, the more she widens her horizons; the more she is fulfilled as a human being later in life.
The sister – understanding the dynamics

This is when she will form perceptions of herself vis-à-vis her brother. This is the time to ensure that she sees no injustice done to her; a stage when she sees the same privileges accorded to herself as a male sibling; that her brother has the same liberties and duties that she does.
The self reliant human being – the doer

It is so important to equip a woman with the tools to be independent; to ensure that she never has cause to feel helpless or beholden.
The wife – the life partner

As a wife she needs not only to have the emotional maturity to be a supportive partner and a loving companion, but also has to have the ability to assert herself in a way that preserves her own humanity and sense of dignity. As a wife it is vital that she consider her spouse to be her friend; that she maintain a relationship based on mutual respect and equality.
The professional – the challenger

This is not just about earning money for herself and her family; it is also about finding fulfillment in spheres not related to home and family.
The homemaker – the caretaker

She is supposed to be the one who turns that house into a home. She creates a loving space for the family; a space stamped with her personality and a space where she can give her creative aesthetic free reign.
The daughter in law – the family fresher

Usually charged with the job of “keeping the family united” it is she who is expected to make the compromises. While being loving, supportive and nurturing, she has to ensure that she never permits the erosion of herself or her faith in herself. She owes it to herself that while meeting the other halfway, she doesn’t sacrifice her own aspirations and dreams at the altar of that mythical familial unity.
The mother – the caregiver

Motherhood may be the most joyous and fulfilling of a woman’s avatars; she should nevertheless be free to choose whether or not she chooses to be a mother. If she chooses to be one, she is charged with the weighty responsibility of helping create human beings that respect each other, don’t discriminate or exploit based on gender or any other reason whatsoever.
The happy human being – the all inclusive woman

Each woman has the right to follow her own happiness, to take out time for herself without feeling guilty. It may be a cliché but a happy woman makes a happy home. So go ahead and have yourself a Happy International Women’s Day!
Author – Reena Daruwalla