Don’t Know About the Products but These Product Reviews Are Hilarious

They ask us for feedback all the time: restaurants, movies, online stores. While some of us cannot be bothered to leave reviews of products we've bought, for some, these present a golden opportunity to show off their wry wit. It occurs to me that these are people with a lot of free time on their hands, but they do create much hilarity so no complaints there.

Review for Banana slicer

I would think that a product like this is utterly superfluous. Apparently many others thought so as well. Looking at these and other reviews of the product I also suspect that this reasonably useless product is listed only to attract funny reviews.

Gendered pens?

This review is clearly not pleased with the fact that this pen is marketed as ‘for her’ and proceeds to rip into it. The whole thing is practically dripping sarcasm.


This reviewer clearly thought that asking for a review of the bible --- one of the most famous books ever written --- is a little silly. And proceeded to review it anyway.

Wait, what?

OK, now this person seems to be joking about having used a toilet brush in an extremely unusual manner. But here’s the thing: this may not be a joke --- human stupidity is practically limitless after all.


People are rarely funny when it comes to death. This pithy, one line review was clearly written by someone with an extremely irreverent view of death.

Noiseless mouse? Why?

A mere mouse click irritates us now? They had to create a product to take care of these delicate sensibilities? Whatever next!


If you’ve ever driven in Delhi, you would be forgiven for thinking that at least some of the drivers around are visually impaired --- or using a car sunshade incorrectly at the very least. So this review --- not outside the realm of reality, methinks.

Good product, wrong quantity

This reviewer reveals himself to have a realistic idea of his own attraction or lack thereof. A little sad.

Giant beachball - why?

The first reviewer is basically telling us that that they are an idiot and how to avoid being similarly intellectually challenged. The second reviewer appears to be fond of hyperbole and the third took their time writing out this facetious review.... clearly suffering from buyer's remorse.

Beds should look like beds

They should indeed. Such a natural mistake --- especially since an ice cream sandwich and a spring mattress cost about the same amount.

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