Have you been ever asked around for someone to watch a brand new movie with you? One that you really wanted to see ? We know is it considered very lame to go for a movie alone. But seriously, you might just have been overlooking the best company, yourself! Here’s why you should start going to the movies on your own.

The movie you watch is entirely your choice

The Movie You Watch is Entirely Your Choice

The Movie You Watch is Entirely Your Choice

Maybe your friend is not fond of the actor, the director or the genre, it doesn’t matter anymore because you don’t have to consider anyone’s wishes but your own.


Seating is easy to come by

Seating is Easy to Come By

Seating is Easy to Come By

When you’re watching movies with a big group, there will be a lot of opinions regarding where to sit and why. When you’re watching a movie alone, you can sit where you want and no one cares.


Talking is unnecessary

Talking is Unnecessary

Talking is Unnecessary


Walking Out is Simple

Walking Out is Simple

Walking Out is Simple

If you don’t really like the movie all that much, you can just leave whenever you want to. When you’re in a group you’d be disappointing the others but now you can spend your time more productively.

Try watching a movie alone and enjoy how independent it makes you feel!


Author: Aayushi Jain

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