No biggie, right? Wrong! Some very common things that you think are trivial are actually not trivial at all. In fact in a work environment, it can get you fired.
Anger management issues

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Nobody dies and made you king or queen! So if you think anyone cares about your temper you are totally wrong. What it does tell about you though, is that you cannot handle crunch situations or stress. Repeat it two or three times and your seniors will be happy to release you.
Addiction to illegal substances and social media

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Like they’d show you the door for using drugs or having illegal chemicals in your system, if found indulging in your social media habits at work you will be treated exactly the same way. Do not use Facebook while you are at your desk, unless it is a part of your job.
Displaying disrespect and distraction by texting during a meeting

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Are you that person who texts a lot while sitting in a conference room? If yes then stop this habit right now. It shows that you are not interested in the meeting. Better keep your phone switched off during meetings and conference.
Tardiness is a lack of respect for time

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Coming late to work is a very serious issue, missing deadlines or arriving late for meeting or taking very long nature breaks or meal breaks, all display a very serious lack of respect for time which will result in you losing your job, sooner or later.
Poor email communication

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If you are poor at email communication and do not respond/ check your emails on time, you will be considered an unprofessional person who is not sincere towards work. Not checking emails may results in missing the deadlines and meetings which can turn out to be very serious.
Author: Anusheel