For most people, food is not only a source of sustenance but also of entertainment and luxury, a celebration of beautiful ingredients marrying each other to create something delicious. Here are 7 facts about food we bet you did not know were true.

Say cheese!
Do you love extra cheese on your pizza? Apparently, the rest of the world loves it too, for cheese is the most stolen food in the world!
Coconut Water

A splash of goodness!
An excellent refreshment, not only is coconut water an electrolytic boon to your body, it can actually be used as a substitute for blood plasma in case of emergencies.

Honey, I’m home!
The mystery behind Winnie the Pooh’s obsession with honey has finally been solved. Honey can be safely stored for over 3000 years- it will never rot! Smart move, Winnie!

Peanuts or bombs?
I’m sure peanut butter causes an explosion of flavour in your mouth, but did you know that it can create an explosion otherwise? Peanuts are used in making dynamite, so you probably have a jar of explosives sitting in your kitchen right now.
Flight Food

No playing the blame game
The reason why airplane food tastes so bad to you is because your sense of taste and smell decreases by almost 50% when you’re up in the air. Time to stop cursing the airlines, isn’t it?

Ah, the chocolaty goodness
This chocolate spread is so popular around the world that the average number of Nutella jars sold in a year could cover the Great Wall of China over 8 times.

What’s up doc?
Did you know that carrots were originally to be purple, till beta carotene took over? That totally ruins our image of Bugs Bunny munching on some, doesn’t it?