Bubble wrap has always given us plenty of fun moments when we were kids. There is something so satisfying to hear the pat-pat-pat as the bubbles burst. Even as an adult most of us will go crazy if we get our hands on bubble wrap. Here are some fun things that you can do if you happen to have some bubble wrap lying around.
Use as an Insulator

As an Insulator
Bubble wrap is great for keeping in heat for some time. You can line your grocery bag with bubble wrap to maintain the temperature of your groceries. You can also insulate your bed by laying bubble wrap between top sheet and comforter.
Be a Fashion Designer

Be a Fashion Designer
You can make a dress out of bubble wrap! Yes, it is downright crazy. But, hey, you will have truckloads of fun at least! Definitely the most creative idea to have fun with bubble wrap ever.
Protect Plants from Winter Frost

Protect Plants from Winter Frost
You can wrap the container of the plants with bubble wrap to shield the plants from winter frost. You should take care to wrap it lightly around the containers.
Wall Hanging

Wall Hanging
If you have bubble wrap that has large bubbles, you can fill them with glitter, fabric or beads to make a colourful wall hanging.
Knee Pads

Knee Pads
If you are into gardening you will know how painful it is to kneel every time a plant needs some nurturing. You can wrap some bubble wrap around the knee to save you from the agony.
Author: Aayushi Jain