You know the sort of messages I'm talking about: happy babies, cute puppies, airbrushed waterfalls and impossibly red roses with advice, inspirational messages and homilies of all sorts. But really, what is the point! There are several reasons not to send these good morning WhatsApp messages apart from the fact that they are really, really annoying!
If you send this to, say 20 people and 5 more groups, that would be at least 100 people? Do you wish them all well? Are you sure?
Yes, I know. We all know. This is not brand new information.
A vast majority of these messages are commonplace, preachy, pedestrian and unoriginal. This one talks about acceptance.
The above message tells you to be content with your lot, which roughly translates to औकात में रह बे. And then there is this one that tells you to dream and be ambitious and not be content.
Is this message encouraging people with shady pasts and promising them a great future? Really?
In what galaxy is the sun cute? Here, the sun is scorching, impossible to look at and currently causing me extreme discomfort.
You're blessed, not lucky (lucky and blessed are synonyms more or less, but never mind). So? What is one to do with this information?
You have been ordered to have a nice day, so of course you will! All the things that were going to go wrong now miraculously won’t! (But why is there water in that orange and why is goldfish jumping out of the said orange?)
“Keep your face towards the sunshine”? Not a good idea – this is the sort of thing that leads to first degree skin burns.
Really, this is the best ‘advice’ you can come up with? That message has no imagination and zero value addition.
So no one can measure his love for her? That’s OK I don’t think anyone is trying too hard.
I know you mean well when you hit forward. They are meant to say Good Morning or maybe they are just meant to say hi, I'm thinking of you. But how about a bit of originality, how about putting some thought into what you send? How about not annoying others with the unoriginal, juvenile and rather silly thoughts of yet others?
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