Passwords are tough to remember. There is the added burden of remembering which password is the correct one for which login. We’ve all had situations where we have mistyped passwords repeatedly or created such complicated and secure passwords that we cannot remember them. If so, you will identify with at least some of these hilarious password memes:
Passwords are meant to make our information and identity secure. They are meant to simplify life, but they do also complicate it; and we cannot do without them.
So many passwords to remember! Just one brain to do this with! Is it any wonder that most of us want to have one simple password we can use for everything!
They need you to create a new password every few months. They need it to contain letters and numbers, other characters, no spaces and need you to remember lower and higher case… aaargh!
Several tries later, the login is frozen and you will not be permitted any more tries. Then when you try to reset your password, this happens!
So you type in your password and the system tells you that either your login id or your password is incorrect. Either they want to confuse us, or they cannot be bothered to tell us what is what.
They are even more ambiguous, they just tell you that the two don’t match. Say it with me… aaargh!
It used to be that we offered guests refreshments when they visited. Today we offer them our Wi-Fi passwords… if only we could remember them!
There is a lot some of us with do for free data, including guessing difficult passwords. I personally draw the line at working out algebraic formulae, however.
We do all this to create a secure, hard to crack password and this still happens! It’s almost enough to make you lose your faith in humanity!
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