Those who work for a living have a tough life. They work hard, they compete in India where there are 100, no 1000 people ready to take your job if you slip up and they have to bear the brunt of paying taxes to keep the country’s economy afloat. But it is not all that bad either. So here is some insight into the lives of the working class.
When the cat is away, the mice will play

Boss on Vacation
Your heart skips a beat when you hear the news of your boss leaving on vacation. The next few days in the office will be filled with joy and celebrations.
The best day is pay-day

The Day You Get Your Salary
It is the one day every month when for a few minutes, you feel invincible. You can do anything, be anything and dream of big things. Before you know it the EMIs kick in, it’s the middle of the month and you’re broke again!
Deadlines bring back the joy of school exams

No matter how many days you get to plan and execute your assignments, you only start the day before. Much like cramming for exams in school. After all there is no greater motivation than last minute panic and pressure!
Real joy of independence and adulthood comes from attending office parties

Office Party
Not only do you get to go out after a work day, unwind and laugh with colleagues, you also get to see the boss let his guard down, the sensible person let loose and become a party animal and you experience true freedom of being an adult.
The renewable energy resource known as Friday

You start having great respect for this one day in the week. You treat it with care, because it it the one day that keeps you motivated throughout the week. It is the day that saves you, allows you to replenish your strength and is a portal into all things good.
Author: Aayushi Jain