Weddings, sangeet, or just plain old meetings for family gossip, you just can not avoid family functions however much you try and more often than not these functions are OTT boring with all the uncles catching up at the bar and the aunties gossiping with such gusto that it would put Gossip Girl to shame! One is sure to get bored in such a place. But luckily for you, we have a list of things to do which will surely keep you entertained for, at least, a larger part of the function.
1. Smartphone to the rescue!
One of the easiest ways to entertain yourself is to get lost in the world of your handy smartphone. Browse through all of your social media sites, check your email, play games, disturb your friends, the list is endless! But do remember to keep your phone fully charged and with active internet!
2. Unlimited food!
However boring the function may be, there will definitely be one redeeming factor. Good, unlimited food! So, head to the buffet table or just make the waiter who carries the snacks sit next to you and eat like there is no tomorrow!
3. Interact with strangers
There has to be at least one person who is as bored as you. Find them and converse! You might have more in common than you think – aside from having nothing to do at a boring function.

Finding people of your ilk
4. Read a book
Load your phone with eBooks or just carry a paperback with you. Sit in a corner and go in for some surreptitious reading! You will not even remember why you were bored in the first place!
5. Dance
Does the party have music? Hopefully, a DJ? Well then, get on your dancing shoes and dance like nobody’s watching! Who knows, you might even burn all the calories you acquired with the free food!
6. Personal music
No music at party? Good thing you remembered to carry your headphones! Nothing is as pleasant as listening to your music. So, put those buds in and blast on!