Bollywood’s male actors have a very long shelf life. A few decades playing the hero is nothing for them – Salman Khan playing the young man for 30+ years being a case in point. It is a different story for the female leads but that is a rant for another day. Bollywood’s Adonis - of Hrithik Roshan - recently completed two decades in the industry and fans had many praises to heap upon him:
The man has devoted followers not only of his undeniably great looks, but also his acting prowess.
He has done a variety of roles from a jewel thief to a spy, a soldier to a sincere teacher, a historical character to a modern superhero.
He has upped or toned down the glam quotient as required. 20 years of Hrithik mania was trending on the 20th anniversary of the release of his first film.
Hrithik Roshan made his debut opposite Amisha Patel in the film Kaho na Pyar Hai on 14 January 2020. The tweeple tend to remember these things.
Hindi film heroes have always been required to shake a leg. However Hrithik Roshan seemed to have more than the usual number of joints in his limbs and danced like a dream. He singlehandedly raised the bar in Bollywood.
Like most other star kids, Roshan also made his debut with fairly formulaic romantic films. However, the film was better than other similar films and Roshan made his mark better than most star kids who came before or after him.
Here we have Shradha Kapoor wax eloquent about her senior colleague.
Roshan has inspired many others in the Hindi film industry.
There are devoted fans who have had unwavering affection for their idol.
In the film Fiza, he plays a misguided youth who turns into a terrorist; and yet still managed to get the sympathy of the audiences. As an actor, this vulnerability has been an asset.
The man has certainly aged well – rather like fine wine, he appears to have improved and become more refined with age. Roshan arguably looked to be in the best shape of his life in his recent hit War. Pretty sure diehard fans now wish for another 20 years of Hrithik mania.
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