If we simply ask you about your favourite Indian daily soap, what name would you take? Now, let's ask you if that very serial has at least some element of overdose glamour, bits of supernatural and life depictions that has nothing to do with the word 'practical'?
Yes, our daily soap dramas have no logic or sense whatsoever. The plot and the storyline of almost every serial isn’t about ordinary earthly beings. The characters portrayed in it are all heavenly and prodigious creatures living together in a pious dimension, where each gesture is repeated at least three times, with the use of more jewelry than that of Bappi Laheri. But why do we all watch it?
It's bed time, but that's not important

Always dressed
How can you imagine these Godlike characters of the Indian serials to dress normally? Comfortable clothes like night suits are of no use for them. Face with layers of foundation, blush and wearing all gold ornaments, that’s how they like to go to sleep.
Back from the dead

Undying creatures:
Maybe, death is just not designed for them. They manage to come back after holy cremation of their bodies. Can someone tell me, how?
Vamp of the Era
Living legends
Some of the old but gold creatures, mostly females in the serials are of age 105 years, but still living a rocking life by playing a vixen of the supernatural daily soap. I mean at the stage of such old age, one cannot properly move their jaws, but these characters in the story are different.
Hello people
You can expect at least 3-4 complete face changes for the same character in the same serial. Plastic surgery is no big deal for them. After all, they have to continue the story of the same person that is dead already.

Drama of the highest order
If you’re new to watch this awe-inspiring world of exceptional beings, then you must set up yourself for a full gamut of tremendous reactions. The ear-splitting wheezes, the over-the-top snarky snaps, the booming slaps, the falling of plates in a slow motion etc.

Makeup cleverness:
There is direct co-relation between the characters mean quotient and their make-up. The more monstrous a person becomes, the more outrageous makeup one wears.
Mind it

Luxury at its peak
No matter how much loan burdened a person is, he/she will always wear a Armani jacket and drive a Mercedes S-Class.