India’s most popular quiz show ever; along with its beloved presenter and India’s biggest brand, Amitabh Bachchan are coming back. It is a testament to the popularity of the show Kaun Banega Corepati or KBC to its friends; that it is still something that audiences look forward to, even 17 years after it first aired in 2000. We look at what makes KBC work and what is new this time around in Season 9 of the show.
While the whole idea of a quiz, which tests one’s general knowledge is itself interesting, the format of the show is what makes it even more so: the multiple option questions, the ‘hot seat’, the involvement of the audience, huge prize money and the way distant people came together in a formula that really worked with audiences.
It wasn’t just the fact that the show is solid, good entertainment that people fancied they were learning something from; this show was also a way for the ordinary Indian to get their day of fame. It was a chance for that person-on-the-street to get on TV and a shot at winning the sort of prize money that could be genuinely life altering.
His huge popularity as an actor and connect with audiences, his avuncular presence on the set and the occasional doling out of homilies and his ability to identify with his audiences has an enduring appeal. It is a testament to his incredible popularity that he has hosted all but one of the seasons of KBC (Shah Rukh Khan hosted season 3) and is now going to host the 9th season.
Amitabh Bachchan tweeted about his long association with the show and that the show would be returning soon and acknowledged that 17 years is a long time…a lifetime. He informed his fans that the shooting of season 9 had begun.
The phone a friend feature is now reportedly upgraded to video call a friend. So the contestant can not only speak to a friend but also see them while asking for help. This time around, the contestants will also have the chance to bring along a friend who can sit in the audience and whom they may ask for help.
This series will be six weeks long and will feature 30 episodes. This time around, the episodes will be paced in a way that more questions can be fitted into and asked in each hourly show. Some of the drama will go away, but in some ways it increases. While the ultimate 7 crore jackpot remains, an extra twist is now added: when the contestant reaches the Rs 1 crore mark they will have the option for going directly for a 7 crore jackpot question without the option to pass or use a lifeline.
The 9 PM slot on Sony Entertainment which currently airs Beyhadh will reportedly air KBC from mid-September. Registrations are now complete but you can still play the Jackpot game online and win prizes.
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