You can never know enough tidbits to take to the canteen and annoy your friends with. We’re going to help add to your arsenal of information. Nothing too serious my friends, just some fun facts about life!
Did you know that we breathe approximately five million times in a year?
You wondered how lizards can just detach their tails and still live? Beat this! Cockroaches can still live several weeks, even with their heads cut off! Creepy? We thought as much.
Approximately 12% of the world’s total population is left-handed, and around 30% are ambidextrous, i.e. they have the ability to switch or write with both hands. Not bad! Lot of us thought it was a rare thing.
'In a jiffy'! You might have used the term zillion times. But do you know that in reality, a jiffy is 1/100th of a second?
A duck is the only creature, whose voice, or rather quack, never creates an echo anywhere.
Do you love Coca-Cola? Well, it has added colourants. Or else the colour would be bottle green and not the brownish black that you get.
Got your tongue burnt? Not to worry. The solution is right there in your kitchen. Just a spoonful of sugar will do the trick.
There is one animal who does not yawn! Giraffes! Yep, they’re like the people who doze off without warning.
Do you know that if the planet lost oxygen even for as little as five seconds, we would have a black sky, as no light particles will be bouncing off!

The human brain is indeed extraordinary, but the one thing it cannot do is creating new faces. So, any face or thing that you see in your dreams, you might have seen them at least once at some point in your lives.
Do you know where the word “dude” came from? Well, it was actually created by Oscar Wilde and his friends, combining the words “duds” and “attitude”! Crafty!
Eating one chocolate chip can give one human adult the energy to walk up to 150 feet!
Phew! Do you know any others?