Lilly Singh is an international phenomenon. The Canadian comic of Indian origin has 14 million subscribers to her Superwoman YouTube channel and has been entertaining and making people laugh for almost ten years now! So, with the fever pitch anticipation for the last season of Game of Thrones among audiences, Lilly Singh did an If-GoT-Were-Indian video, which promptly went viral.
A couple of years ago, Lilly Singh made a video about why she could never be in Game of Thrones: because she really cannot keep up with all the characters and forgets her lines and makes up all her own. Also, because she wants to do all of her scenes with dragons and wants real wine in her scenes.
She announced her Indian look GoT video; figuring that Westeros would be a little different with Indian Jugaad, a few of our mannerisms with a festival thrown in for good measure.
Lilly Singh plays a bunch of different GoT characters, complete with her trademark bad wigs and charcoal stubble.
We’ve all known that champion bargainer. Heck, we've all been that champion bargainer. Yes. Exactly like that!
Jon Snow becomes Jeetender – obviously. And if you don't get the aunty ji reference you obviously need to watch Season 7 of GoT.
The clenching of fists, flaring nostrils, the orgasmic expressions, the trembling lips and the grimacing… It’s all there.
It has a lot of dramatic music, some flying chappals, all the snarling and gnashing of teeth and the glowering and… wait for it … the dancing!
‘You nailed it gurrrl’ seemed to be the tenor of most tweets.
Of course she shouldn’t further all those stereotypes about India! Or we could all just learn to laugh at ourselves a bit?
Presenting Lilly Singh’s take on Game of Thrones more particular if GoT was Indian. It is funny for all the reasons the tweeple said. Enjoy.
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