The years you spend in college are the best years of your life. You learn a lot, you have a lot of fun, you build relationships, you fall in love. Whether you are gearing up to start college, or you recently passed out or you passed out decades ago, you will agree with these facts.
1. You will fall in love or have your heart broken
The environment, the people you meet, the time you spend with them all of it leads to the basic fact that in college you will get infatuated, or fall in deep love or have your heart broken. Basically a highly emotional period in your life.
2. You make friends that are for life
The friends you make in college stay with you for a lifetime!
3. You will get into trouble for attendance
No matter how diligent you are when you start, by the second or third year you will be behind in your attendance!
4. You will do so much more than just study
It also has a lot to do with extra curricular activities, joining different societies, learning different skills and shaping your personality. These are life skills that won’t ever go away.
5. You will spend a lot of time outside college
There are millions of opportunities that you can make good use of- whether it’s internships, jobs or teaching assistant roles!
6. You grow up very suddenly
A lot of things are also about learning to be responsible, growing up and becoming independent.
7. You learn to find shortcuts you wouldn’t have thought of before
That’s the one thing college will always teach you. If you are in a rut, there will always be a jugaad for getting out of it!
8. You will do things you cannot tell your parents about
No matter how great and cool they are, you will do things while in college that you simply don’t want to share with your parents. Whether it is trying a cigarette or going to a disco when they think you are spending the night at a girlfriends house.