Do we really need cockroaches on earth? I find them hideous and revolting. I am willing to bet that most people on earth would agree with me. But obviously, there are some who don’t: the scientific community, for instance, will have evidence to show that cockroaches are an essential cog in the wheel of nature’s cycle. Then there are those who think that cockroaches present a challenge.
A couple of weeks back, this post started the ball rolling. “new challenge Can you do this :)” was the caption accompanying this picture.
The craze seemed to catch on particularly in Myanmar, Philippines and Indonesia. People seemed happy to pose with those creepy-crawlies… actually on their faces; touching their skin!
“Easy,” said this post in response. The creatures are not on his face, but on his fingers. But there are four of those enormous, repugnant creatures there with their exoskeletons and their supposed can-survive-nuclear-blast superpower.
It is a lizard of some sort… a creature that would make most of us run in the opposite direction appears to be slithering all over the face.
Now this one just makes my toes curl up in disgust… it’s inside her mouth, with just the tail and two legs sticking out. Please tell me this is a fake cockroach. Please! I fear I shall have nightmares about this!
This series of pictures is meant to demonstrate that the roach is real and it’s alive and it’s moving all over her face. Oh my eyes! For we can never unsee what we have seen!
His eyes look glassy and his tongue is sticking out. Maybe this is a special type of lethal cockroach… or maybe he is trying to taste the cockroach. I can anticipate my nightmares getting grimmer and grimmer.
Some challenges are amusing, some actually constructive, others simply silly while some are actually dangerous. While in times previous we had lofty aims and goals, these days we have ‘goals’ such as these: to harm oneself, swallow packets of detergent, snort condoms out of the nasal passage, pretend to fall and become unconscious, fling cheese slices at kids, fox people on the street by remaining immobile…
Perhaps Einstein was right when he said two things in life are infinite – the universe and human stupidity… and I'm not sure about the former.
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