Nutella Biryani & Maggi Pani-Puri? Seriously?

I think there are some people in the world who lie awake at night trying to think up the most revolting recipe ideas/ food combinations. They then create certain monstrous unions that were never meant to be – only so they can watch with amusement as social media gets its knickers in a twist about it all. So if we had rose Maggi and chocolate dosa; kurkure milkshake and chicken tikka tea, we now have more culinary crimes: Nutella Biryani and Maggi Panipuri:

Maggi Pani Puri

Someone decided that this food combination was crying out to be created; that the world was in need of a noodle filled crisp puri.

The ‘Recipe’

They also helpfully posted the ‘recipe’ video; which consisted of spooning cooked Maggi noodles into a pani puri. Because how else would people understand how to make this complex and difficult dish!


People were upset; some questioning the existence of God, even.


What did I just see!


This person decided that this food-crime deserved exemplary punishment.


Someone was offended enough to post this completely disgusting image of bananas on a pizza.

This idea

If Maggi and pani puri can be teamed together, why not pasta and panipuri, asks this tweet. (Looks more like subzi than pasta to me, but never mind that.)

Or this

Oreo pakoda? What fresh hell is this!

This disgusting idea

Someone also had the idea of topping watermelon with ketchup – eew!

This has been around for a while

Last year, this revolting image of Nutella atop biryani made the rounds. It cropped up in our Twitter feeds once again.

True crime against mankind

Biryani is my fave food in the world. Nutella is my fave dessert /dessert topping. But to put the two together? It is borderline insanity!

Can’t unsee!

This is one of those things you wish you had never seen; or at least could un-see.

Ruining biryani!

Maggi pani puri is almost excusable. After all, it was an attempt – albeit a misguided one – to marry two savoury flavours. But biryani and Nutella? That’s just a criminal act.

Looks like….

Well, it does look somewhat like cat poop, it must be admitted.


Some were upset for other reasons – the waste of food at a time when people are literally starving – for some social media fame. Social media fame can be addictive – I am pretty sure that Maggi panipuri and Nutella biryani aren't the last awful food combinations we’ve seen. There are more, graver culinary crimes netizens are dreaming up even as we speak.

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