We all hate the scorching summer heat, but in the end we can’t just sit at home doing nothing for an entire season and therefore, we try to make the most of summers by enjoying the little things it has to offer. The icy-treats, tanned skin and most importantly, bingeing on mangoes are just some of the many delights summer has to offer. Here are 6 reasons that will convince you that summers are actually better than winters.
The cold delights
Sipping on the first cold drink of the season is the most amazing experience ever, and not to forget the ice creams, milkshakes, popsicles and smoothies as well.
Best Time to Visit a beach
If you aren’t spending your time at a beach in summer time, then you’re missing out on something really cool this season. Taking a dip in the ocean and playing games on the sand surely makes for a pleasurable summer experience.
Best time to plan to lose weight and wear those awesome clothes
Getting back to shape after a winter of putting on weight, as well as looking great in the shorts or skirts, which you had to store away during the cold.
Sport a funky hairdo
This is really the best thing during the summer.Becuase in winter mostly your head is covered in woolent hats or scarves.
Pool Parties
Put on a swimsuit and take a dip in the pool while sipping on cool drinks and celebrating with your buddies is the best feeling ever.
Enjoy mangoes
Talk about summer and mangoes are here to tickle your taste buds with sweet treats such as mango milkshake, mango smoothie, mango ice cream and most importantly, just plain old and yummy – Mango slices.