One particularly annoying stereotype is that women are inferior to men when it comes to operating a motor vehicle. Never mind the fact that women are most often the chauffeurs of the family, responsible for getting all members to their intended destinations on time and in good health.

We’ve culled the darkest depths of the Internet – including some very prominent sources to bring you some definitive reasons why women are better drivers than men, check them out below.

1. Men Feel Like they “Own the Road” 

Anybody who had driven on Indian roads is aware that men have the tendency to feel that they own the road they are driving on, while women are comparatively comfortable with the concept of sharing the road with others, and don’t tend to be possessive or territorial about their driving habits.


2. Women Have Fewer Accidents

Most people would agree that accidents are definite signs of being not-so-skilled behind the wheel after all. Accident-prone drivers put all other drivers at risk every time they hit the road. As popular as the stereotype of the fender-bender-causing female may be, but lets face it since women are given a wide berth by the male drivers and they are more open to sharing the road the chances of them having accidents is lower.


3.Women Are Better at Learning and Obeying Rules 

Women have a much better ability to learn rules than men do. From a very young age in India women are required to follow stringent rules as per family and society and so on. The fact that women have the hormone oestrogen, also explains why female drivers tend to be cited for far fewer traffic violations than men. The fact that women have a natural tendency to absorb and obey the rules could make them safer, and better, drivers.


4. Women are More Likely to Wear Seat belts

This is an extension of the previous point of course. Having the wherewithal to use a seatbelt is a clear demonstration that a driver takes safety on the road seriously. Most would agree that safety on the road is a clear indication of skill behind the wheel.


5. Men Are More Likely to Drink and Drive

Drinking and driving is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents and fatalities. A huge amount of evidence exists, to support the fact that men are much more likely to be arrested and convicted of DUIs than women.


6. Women can drive fast they just choose to be safe

NASCAR fans will attest that the fact that the vast majority of race car drivers are men signifies that men are more skilled behind the wheel. You’d have to be living under a rock, though, to be unaware of the fact that there is one glaring exception to this rule. Her name is Danica Patrick, and she’s proven to be one of the most skilled race car drivers out there.


Author’s Name: Pulkit Kalra

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