Remember Nervous Anil Kapoor in Nayak? He Is Now a New Meme

Some images just lend themselves naturally to the meme format. The grumpy cat for instance was a hugely popular meme template for obvious reasons. Einstein Chacha and the ship stuck in the Suez Canal were used for creating hilarious and relatable memes. More recently, the character Chellam from the Amazon Prime series Family Man became popular. And now people have ‘discovered’ Anil Kapoor in Nayak – take a look:

Great new meme template

Either with Anil Kapoor or without him, this is a good new meme template said the tweeple.

Picture of nervousness

Cold sweat, mopping the damp brow and sipping water to moisten that suddenly damp throat… perfectly indicates nervousness.


Sometimes extreme puzzlement or a sense of betrayal can also make one react like that, according to this meme.

Can’t decide

Entering the wrong captcha could mean having to refill a long form, redo an entire bank transaction or undergo similar pain.

This recent headline

In the news headlines recently was Raj Kudra, IPL owner and husband of Shilpa Shetty. He is currently being hauled over the coals for allegedly producing porn; though he insists it is erotica.

Responding to a threat

Here the employee is asked to choose between his job and unemployment ---- because of something that the poor guy has no control over.

Theatrics for TV

Some TV anchors and show guests/ judges often emote --- for the camera more than anything else.

Oh no!

There goes the weekend --- you plan something nice, but the boss has other plans.

That feeling of dread

Sometimes we know something awful is about happen. Sometimes we deserve it, sometimes we don’t.

Feeling of relief

You made a mistake but you were able to rectify it and save the day --- phew!


Sometimes overeating is the cause for the sweating --- food sweats are a thing!

This awful question

That poor fresh graduate is already nervous about the pressures of adulting and of making something of their life. They don’t need a nosy aunt or an overbearing uncle putting more pressure on them.

Love is all very well but…

Privacy, personal space and boundaries are important too.

The art of bargaining

Some do it well, some don’t.

It’s complicated

If the lines, O what a tangled web we weave/ When first we practice to deceive had to be put in meme format... This Anil Kapoor in Nayak meme template works.

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