The jolly, fat man in a red suit and masses of fluffy white hair is known variously as St Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa! There are various versions of how Santa Claus came to be and how this benign personage became associated with the giving of gifts to children all over the world on Christmas. While the story of Santa is one that kids will outgrow with time, Santa Claus continues to delight us; even make us laugh!
…Including Santa apparently! That ought not to stop anyone from having a merry, merry Christmas however! Here’s to all our readers having a blessed and wonderful Christmas – Cheers!
It’s a valid question isn't it – Santa is supposed to love kids and give them all presents; but does Santa himself have kids? Also is there a Mrs. Claus?
If Santa comes in via the chimney, he would have to be very, very fit, wouldn’t he? Something of a size mismatch in this situation!
…About those flying reindeers… and about how they audition for Santa’s sleigh? No?
Seems to me that shouldn’t be much of a problem if Santa’s sleigh flies and all?
One of the ways parents make their children behave well is to say that Santa gives good gifts to kids who’ve been good and vice versa. Perhaps sometimes the message is loud and clear!
When you're giving out gifts everyone wants to be your friend!
Because of social media
Santa’s job is probably a bit easier now – because of everyone sharing everything, all the time!
Time was when we were delighted with a few chocolates or stuffed toys. Kids these days want a remote-controlled chopper, a phone, or other gizmos – or mutual funds apparently.
…A list of some complex and difficult wishes that poor Santa may be very hard pressed to fulfil!
…On the one hand, you have few kids who are to acquisitive and avaricious than you would have thought!
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