Dreams. They make you happy. They make you sad. They can make you scared and they’ll have you thrashing your legs or flailing your arms! Dreams are definitely not reality but they have the power to be more real than reality at times. So let’s take a look at some facts around dreams that human beings understand, so far.

1. You can never read or tell the time in your dreams

If you want to know whether you are dreaming or not, just try reading something or look at the clock. You will neither be able to read nor tell the time. According to some dreamers, the hands of the clock never appear to be moving.


2. Many great ideas came to life because of dreams

Larry Page got the idea for Google in his dreams. Tesla thought about the Alternating Current Circuit in his dreams. Mendeleyve thought about the Periodic Table in his dreams. And the list goes on…..


3. There is a serious disorder called REM, which revolves around dreaming

There is an actual medical problem call REM, which stands for Rapid Eye Movement. This is like a living dream where your body gets paralyzed while you see a dream. There have been some reported cases where people have acted out their dreams and have ended up with broken arms, legs, furniture and what not!


4. Then there is the curious case of Sleepwalkers

Sleepwalking is a potentially dangerous disorder in which people have no idea that they are asleep and they walk around, move around and they do things they don’t remember when they are awake.


5. Dreamers get no rest because the brain becomes more active

It is said that while sleeping, you should not think about anything. That the brain needs rest. But in reality, there is a lot going inside your brain as it starts functioning more actively than it normally does.

Author’s Name – Paurush Chaudhary

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