Objectifying women and even dehumanising them to the level of collective body parts seems to come naturally to some men. At least one guy thought he was being really clever and/or complementary in the lascivious and lewd ‘compliment’ that he tweeted to actor Taapsee Pannu. Her quick witted reply seemed rather too quick-witted for some…
“I love your body parts,” said the genius whose Twitter handle declares him to be one Aku Pandey. (clearly the man 'loved' her body parts, not her talent or movies or anything else).
Taapsee Pannu replied with this tweet. Although one would have to wonder whether the aforementioned Aku Panday would understand the word cerebrum (which is a part of the brain) or get the sarcasm of the tweeted reply.
Pandey and his ilk really don’t know the meaning of cerebrum! The spike in Google searches containing the word appears to have spiked significantly.
One tweet suggested that the body part in question, the cerebrum is clearly something that the troll doesn’t himself possess.
There is always that idiot who will out-idiot the other idiot! This guy seems to think that a sharp putdown is evidence that one is enjoying being objectified and subject to lewd comments. Convoluted? Yes! Surprising? Not really. After all, we have a time honoured tradition of victim shaming.
It was a smart, yet dignified comeback to a not very bright comment.
One tweet had this technical observation to make
Another tweet suggested that this is just an attempt to try and gain publicity and to bolster one's public persona.
It is a little incredible: that people find the time to engage in long discussions about other discussions; to examine, analyse and ponder what is said. They even find the time to check and compare time stamps and draw conclusions based on this. The fact that I am writing this article, and that you're reading it proves the point!
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