There Was an Instagram Update and Instagrammers Are Predictably Upset

There is just no pleasing social media users. When they made changes to Twitter, I thought this made the microblogging platform more user-friendly, but a lot of people were furious. Now they’ve made changes to Instagram and the take-offence squad is up in arms. Here’s what went down.

The following activity tab is gone

This is a major grouse. This feature allowed users to see what others were doing on Instagram: whose posts they liked the most etc.

What? Why

Users don’t generally like change. So they didn’t like this as well.

‘Micro cheating’ feature is gone

The tab was supposed to be the favourite of stalkers say some. Others thought it was a good way to check ‘Micro cheating’.

It was creepy

Though some thought that the tab made things more transparent for users, some didn’t like it. It was known to be the cause of some friendships and relationships ending as well


The change has been welcomed by many users.


People are happy to see the change and to see the follow activity feature gone.


“…What I do is none of your business.” Fair point.


Followers of celebrity gossip and their online activity, those who used the tab to keep track of the activities of friends and significant others ---- they are not pleased.


Many don’t get why Instagram had to go and remove the option.

Daily newspaper

So, whether people used the tab for fair means or foul, it is now gone.

This major change

Instagram dark mode is something a lot of users were wishing for.


It is now here, and many users love it.


This tweet explains why the update was made and what improvements it brings about.

Still a lot of confusion

There are some users who haven’t fully grasped what changes have been made and why.

Some like it some do not

While most people are happy that the #InstagramUpdate dark mode option is available now at long last, there are many who will miss the absence of the follow activity tab. 

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