Thanks to the internet, we have access to some pretty amazing optical illusions from time to time. More interesting than the illusion itself is the explanation behind it – and what it reveals about the endlessly fascinating and complex human brain. This optical illusion recently went viral – we are supposed to find the curved line or lines in the image. Can you find the curved lines?
At first it seems as though there are many curved lines in the image.
We see them then we don’t!
The illusion really perplexed a lot of people.
Turns out, the curve is a lie line.
Turns out there are no curved lines at all! When you look at each line individually, each one is stubbornly straight!
There are patterns within the boxes are arranged in a particular way, which is why we think the lines are curved.
Now we see those straight lines as straight lines.
This is an oldie but a goodie – it finds its place in psychology books as well.
This is another classic illusion. The brightness of what we see is determined by the background, not just the figure in the foreground.
People enjoy these illusions because they help us understand how the mind can play tricks on us.
This image seems to be one of rectangles and lines within those. But we are asked to find circles. Can you?
Focus past the picture and you will see them – and once you see them, you won’t able to unsee them.
So what if they make us go a little crazy and see curved lines where there are only straight ones!
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