If you’ve been working out and not seeing results you have either not been doing enough or haven’t done things right. You could have been shirking or making excuses to yourself. Are you doing it wrong? Are you making these workout mistakes?

Not being regular

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If you’ve been working out irregularly and infrequently you may not see results. It is important to be regular in your workouts if you’re to see real results. Otherwise you may as well tear up that gym membership.

Not being intense

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Going for a gentle stroll three times a week isn’t enough. You need to do enough to break a sweat, raise your pulse rate for sustained periods of time; when it comes to exercise, no pain no gain is very true.

Making excuses


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“Oh I’m so busy”, “you see I have this terrible case of the sniffles”, “the children have had their exams you know” …. All excuses! If you had to, you would take out the time to exercise! Prioritize! You only have one body; look after it!

Underestimating your intake

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“Oh! But I just had a milk shake; that’s healthy, right? Right? ” Seriously? That calorie laden concoction of milk fat, sugar and starchy thickeners?

Not using your head

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Following some “proven” diet may not help. The diet industry guys have to make money; they will tell you that X diet will make the “fat simply melt off”. Fad diets come and go, the only thing that really works is eating healthy and cutting down on portion sizes. Ideally, your regime should fit your lifestyle, your body type and genetics.

Getting discouraged/ impatient

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Results take time. And effort. Lots of effort.  Don’t imagine that you can go to a gym for a week and get the results you desire. It takes blood, sweat and tears… at least sweat. So keep at it; good things come to those who wait. Now enough with the clichés… get a move on already!