To Shave or Not To Shave - Beards Present a Grooming Conundrum

Someone told me not too long ago, beards are the new six pack. She meant to indicate of course that beards are now sexy, desirable and attractive. Well, I will concede that while some beards are very nice; they are not all that they are cracked up to be. Now guys who have beards tend to wallow in their own imaginary awesomeness but there is one segment of the population that believes beards are out.

Some beards are nice

I will grant you, that beards truly do improve some faces. The beauteous Chris Hemsworth is a case in point: he is hirsute but hot.


When I look at this guy, all that I can think is, how vain is he! All that facial hair has to take a lot of time and TLC to tame; so how self-absorbed is this guy likely to be? That’s all I'm asking!

They think beards are manly

A lot of guys are very proud of their beards and wear those thick, full beehive-like growths. They fancy nature meant them to be that way. Good for them.

The also think this

Some men seem to think that beards render them irresistible. I also read this somewhere: princes shave, kings have beards. I laughed a little at the self-aggrandisement, but it doesn’t matter. Life will soon disabuse these poor souls of their delusion.

Not true

Alas this is not true. Men who think that their beards are as sexy and alluring as a well-toned, sculpted midriff are, say it with me… delusional.

True – alas!

The problem with a lot of guys with beards is, they have a rather unrealistic image of themselves. This is unfortunate, because life tends to disabuse them of their erroneous notions rather viciously.

What women are really thinking

When a woman looks closely at a guy with a beard, it isn’t because she finds him desirable. It is mostly because she's thinking: how does he not eat his beard? How does he wash his face? Does he use shampoo for his beard? Does he have to comb it? What about when he drops food in it? Seriously, this is what she's thinking.

Hirsute isn’t (always) hot

For some people, all that facial hair is simply a no-no. Some see a beard as slovenly and a lazy refusal to take the trouble to be well groomed.


WSJ calls this beard questionable. I agree; it looks scruffy and unkempt. The only reason its acceptable is because it’s Brad Pitt. Ordinary mortals cannot carry this off.

So in conclusion, yes there are some guys who do look better with beards, but there are masses that simply don’t. Men with beards ought to have a realistic idea of how it (and they) looks. Most of all they should have a realistic idea about how attractive or repellant women find them as a result of said beard.   

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