Does it happen to you that, whenever you pick up your phone, your finger automatically touches the Instagram icon? Well, if you really are an ardent Instagram user and follower, I am sure you must have tried out every type of photography trend out there. So looking at the influence of these trends, it’s no surprise that there are the best types of Instagram pictures that we just can’t stop taking and posting:

When food’s worth showing off
Yes, whether you are having a cup of Mocha or finishing a Chinese platter, you won’t forget to click a picture as soon as it arrives to your table. After all, the world needs to see the amazing food you just had. In fact, there are actually more food posts on Instagram than there are selfies.

Been there, done that!
Even if you have no interest in photography, you won’t forget to take a picture of the places you’ll be travelling to. Additonally, posting your travel pictures ends up being a great way of gaining followers.
Outfit of the day

I’ve got these and more
If you are a fashion lover, you get to post an OOTD almost every day on Instagram. Also, all such Instagram posts end up giving major fashion goals to all those following your account.
Artistic timepass shots

Yes, I made it look pretty
Keeping your glasses, a magazine, a wallet and a cup of coffee on the table, then posting it as artistic timepass stuff is really the trend of the hour.

It’s throwback time!
Bringing a years old picture out of the closet on a Thursday evening and posting it with the hashtag #TBT is what half of Insta’s population always does on the 4th day of each week.
Author Name: Kritika Sharma