Just a few years ago, we did not have social media stars. ‘Influencers’ was a term we vaguely associated with Delhi fixers. Videos were made only by a few. Now everyone is a star! Or at least everyone wants to be a star. Facebook is where everyone shows off their perfect life and seeks validation. Instagram is where everyone tells everyone else how cool they are. Twitter is a contest for how witty/nasty/pithy you can be. There are various apps that aid and abet. I had barely understood what a dub-mash is, and then along came TikTok!
These are videos anyone with a phone and half a brain can make. You lip synch to songs, impersonate stars, shave your head or do whatever the hell you want to do; as this pumpkin faced person in the Halloween themed video demonstrates.
Anyone can make anything. So sometimes this is the level of randomness we encounter. This is a song, a dancing kid and a skeleton of some sort! Why? Who can tell!
I don’t know how he trained his cat to do that but that is really cute. And cats are not really known for their niceness!
This is more believable! Cats can be nasty. But don’t mind me, I'm not a cat person at all.
Not only can you lip synch and make crazy videos, you can also add filters and stuff… like I said, tool for the narcissists!
He says he was ‘bullied into’ making this TikTok… hah! HAH! I have kids, no one needs to bully them to not do homework. They will do anything rather than homework... even household chores!
I have no idea about the nationality of the people in that video. But they chose a truly awful Bollywood number and then chose to go full mental on it!
Apparently distorted is desirable? I think this is disturbed!
This weird video of a guy getting angry with his grandma and then trying to ‘hang’ himself with a string is the sort of thing people video tape themselves doing.
That guy stayed inside the dirty water for quite a while before errupting!
This whole duet video possibility opens up lots of opportunities for some amusing videos… like this one. I certainly see why the damn TikTok app is so fascinating.
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