It’s Wednesday, the very middle of the work week. We all have been in that place when we don’t want to stay even for a minute more in our office. And while some of us stand up to face it and deal with it, there are quite a few who need a push. For those of you who have started your first job there are certain things you need to understand in order to be able to deal with this crisis so that it cannot get the better of you.

The boss is the boss, not a counselor or therapist

Boss is Not Your Counsellor/ Therapist

Boss is Not Your Counsellor/ Therapist

Most of us look up to our bosses and think we can share everything with them. Well, stop! Your boss has just professional needs from you and as long as you can fulfill them, you are good to go. In some work cultures it is even considered unprofessional to discuss personal things at work.


Breaking things is important, including the monotony of the work schedule

Take Breaks

Take Breaks

Breaks are healthy. Taking breaks at regular intervals will help you get over the monotonous atmosphere and office pressure. When you do take  a break make sure that you are doing something that helps your mind to relax.


Big goals are made of smaller achievable tasks

Focus on Smaller Tasks

Focus on Smaller Tasks

Don’t freak at the large and seemingly unattainable goal set in front of you. When you focus on smaller tasks that make up the bigger goal, completing them will give you a sense of satisfaction and boost you towards the final goal.


Music is food for the hungry soul

Music is Life

Music is Life

Who said music can’t work wonders. Just put on your favourite tracks on repeat and see the magic happen!


The best way to forget pressure is to work harder

Work Harder

Work Harder

Like the phrase goes, ‘he lost himself in his work’. So at times the answer lies in working even harder, because you may find something amazing at the end of it.


Clean up!

Clean Up!

Clean Up!

It works every time. If you are feeling very bored or don’t feel like doing any work, try cleaning up your area. You will instantly start feeling better.


Author: Aayushi Jain

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