Who Is Chellam, the New Meme Favourite?

Those who have binge-watched or are currently watching Family Man 2, the second season of the original Amazon Prime series, found one truly standout, meme-worthy character. He is a new character in this season and goes by the name Chellam. Chellam is retired, but super-clued-in and super paranoid and super difficult to find. Chellam is also now a new meme favourite – even with the police:

Need info?

Chellam has it, but he will make TASC officers jump through hoops before he parts with it.

He will tell you

But only after a complicated process of clandestine meetings at dosa restaurants, using code words in the fish market and so on.

He knows everything

He knows what is going on, where, when and who’s doing it.

Vital to the story

Chellam appears at crucial times in the series to provide vital clues and information to the TASC guys.

I know

Whenever Srikant Tiwari is in a fix, Chellam is there for him.


Not scared, just super-careful.

He delivers

Whenever TASC is stuck, he offers vital info.

He’s exceedingly slippery

He makes very brief appearances. Then he disappears. 


He may know some other secrets too.

Secretive guy

He has several phones so that he cannot be traced. He hides info in newspapers – spy-style.

The memes

He is the new search engine and meme-makers’ new BFF.

Even the police chimed in

The UP police put out this tweet, claiming to be a 'saviour for all seasons’ and the ‘dependable helpline for every family man’.

And the official Indian Fights Corona handle

Get vaccinated is the message – from Chellam.

A different game

If The Money Heist has the planner-professor, this guy is the informant who knows everything and everyone.

When there is no internet

There is Chellam.


Perhaps he can solve this mystery for the nation, says this commentator.

Or this

Elon Musk is supposed to run his tweets by his lawyers before he posts them – maybe he asks Chellam as well.

His fan base

As the man who knows everything, Chellam has a separate fan base. They feel that there is potential for an entire Chellam spinoff somewhere down the line.

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